‚The Hidden‘ by Polish artist and photographer Laura Makabresku, whose work suggests shamanism, mysticism and fairy tales #womensart pic.twitter.com/A9jCk4OD6K
— #WOMENSART (@womensart1) January 24, 2018
Die 1987 geborene polnische Photographin und bildende Künstlerin Laura Makabresku wählt immer wieder Bäume, Wald und Waldtiere wie Füchse und Rehe als Motive ihrer Arbeit. Deutlich wird das zum Beispiel in ihrem Projekt The hidden, aus dem das obige Bild stammt, oder im Projekt Days of the transfiguration II.
„limp nymph or forest elf“
„Makabresku is an integral part of the frame which she creates in her head. In the pictures she is very pale, almost transparent, suspended on a thin line of life and death, unable to decide what dimension of existence she is supposed to choose. She is still somewhere in between. Neither is she here on earth nor there, in the beyond, in the afterlife. Sometimes she resembles a limp nymph or a forest elf who fell into a deep sleep and does not want to wake up yet. She nestles in with forest animals, which fall asleep with her in a sensitive, almost intimate embrace. But their bodies do not warm one another. Quite the contrary.“ (Zitat von Zuzanna Sokołowska aus „(Photo)sensitivity“, Karolina Pośpiech, 2017)
Mehr auf lauramakabresku.com.