The pandemic has put a strain on forests as places of leisure and refuge from urban life, increased pressure on ecosystem preservation services, and delivered a shock to the timber industry.
Am 23. Juni 2020 von 13 bis 14 Uhr CEST findet das Webinar „Solutions for Resilience. How are Forest and Farm Producer Organizations and Smallholders responding to COVID-19?“ statt. Es wird von der Forestry and Farm Facility der FAO organisiert und ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe „COVID-19 Forestry Week“. Sprecher*innen u.a. aus Ghana, Nepal und Ecuador werfen einen internationaler Blick auf Maßnahmen zum Aufbau von Resilienz in Krisenzeiten:
„Solutions and strategies to be discussed in this session include managing risks and maintaining the functionality of smallholder production systems, improving market access, diversifying livelihoods, developing social and cultural services, forming financial building blocks such as savings and loans, improving access to finance, and building on traditional knowledge. For example, one innovative solution that will be presented is the landscape scale branding of baskets of products based on indigenous management systems in Ecuador, also known as the ‚Chakra‘ label.“
Anmeldung und weitere Information, mehr zur COVID-19 Forestry Week.