Gentechnik für den perfekten Christbaum

Was ist nötig, um den perfekten Christbaum zu finden? Zuallererst – Geduld.

Gary Chastagner has spent every fall since 1978 running reconnaissance at Christmas tree plantations, pop-up retail lots, and big-box stores across the country. At each stop, the plant pathologist scours the inventory, finding the best-looking tree in the whole place. Then he takes photos, interrogates salespeople, and snips away small branches, which he weighs with a portable scale before airfreighting them back to Puyallup, for testing at his Washington State University lab.

Der US-amerikanische Biologe Gary Chastagner arbeitet als Phytopathologe am Department of Plant Pathology der Washington State University und hat seinen Forschungsschwerpunkt auf Christbäume gelegt. Er ist Co-Autor von Artikeln wie „Effect of two fire retardants on postharvest drying and flammability of Douglas-fir and Fraser fir Christmas trees“ und „Effectiveness of I-V watering devices in maintaining postharvest freshness and quality of cut Christmas trees„. Außerdem hat er unter anderem den „President’s Appreciation Award“ der Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association gewonnen. ?


Megan Molteni: „Using Genetics to Make a More Perfect Christmas Tree„. In: Wired, 21. Dezember 2017

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